Anarchist Quotes
Anarchist Quotes

Authors List
Authors List

"You must liberate your ego from all limitedness so entirely that it becomes a human ego."
Max Stirner,
egoist anarchist (1806 ‐ 1856)
Influential philosopher and anarchist
"All things are Nothing to Me"
Max Stirner,
egoist anarchist (1806 ‐ 1856)
Influential philosopher and anarchist
"What do your laws amount to if no one obeys them?"
Max Stirner,
egoist anarchist (1806 ‐ 1856)
Influential philosopher and anarchist
"No one should ever work... In order to stop suffering, we have to stop working."
Bob Black,
post-left anarchist (1951 ‐ 2020)
American author and anarchist.
"Freedom means more than the right to change masters."
Bob Black,
post-left anarchist (1951 ‐ 2020)
American author and anarchist.
"What you have the power to be you have the right to be."
Max Stirner,
egoist anarchist (1806 ‐ 1856)
Influential philosopher and anarchist
"The poor are to blame for there being rich men."
Max Stirner,
egoist anarchist (1806 ‐ 1856)
Influential philosopher and anarchist
"The state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual, crime."
Max Stirner,
egoist anarchist (1806 ‐ 1856)
Influential philosopher and anarchist
"Freedom can only be the whole of freedom; a piece of freedom is not freedom."
Max Stirner,
egoist anarchist (1806 ‐ 1856)
Influential philosopher and anarchist
"A worker is a part-time slave."
Bob Black,
post-left anarchist (1951 ‐ 2020)
American author and anarchist.
"I am unique. My flesh is not their flesh, my mind is not their mind."
Max Stirner,
egoist anarchist (1806 ‐ 1856)
Influential philosopher and anarchist
"What is freedom? To have the will to be responsible for one's self."
Max Stirner,
egoist anarchist (1806 ‐ 1856)
Influential philosopher and anarchist
"No one should ever work. Workers of the world... relax!"
Bob Black,
post-left anarchist (1951 ‐ 2020)
American author and anarchist.
"Every state is a despotism."
Max Stirner,
egoist anarchist (1806 ‐ 1856)
Influential philosopher and anarchist
"In a republic, all are lords, that is, all despotize one over another."
Max Stirner,
egoist anarchist (1806 ‐ 1856)
Influential philosopher and anarchist
"A fist full of might goes farther than a bag full of rights."
Max Stirner,
egoist anarchist (1806 ‐ 1856)
Influential philosopher and anarchist
"You may be wondering if I'm joking or serious. I'm joking and serious."
Bob Black,
post-left anarchist (1951 ‐ 2020)
American author and anarchist.
"He who has might has right... is this wisdom so hard to attain?"
Max Stirner,
egoist anarchist (1806 ‐ 1856)
Influential philosopher and anarchist
"A libertarian is just a Republican who takes drugs."
Bob Black,
post-left anarchist (1951 ‐ 2020)
American author and anarchist.

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