Anarchist Quotes
Anarchist Quotes

Authors List
Authors List

"The demand for equality is nothing other than the demand: equal rights for all!"
Erich Muhsam,
Anarchist Writer (1878 ‐ 1934)
German-Jewish Antifascist Anarchist, Writer
"Federalism is above all the negation of the nation and the state."
James Guillaume,
Historian and Activist (1844 ‐ 1916)
Swiss anarchist and historian
"Federalism is socialist, and for it solidarity is inseparable from liberty."
James Guillaume,
Historian and Activist (1844 ‐ 1916)
Swiss anarchist and historian
"Anarchists emphatically reject a morality which denies the original concepts of right and wrong."
Erich Muhsam,
Anarchist Writer (1878 ‐ 1934)
German-Jewish Antifascist Anarchist, Writer

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