Anarchist Quotes
Anarchist Quotes

Authors List
Authors List

"Impossibility never prevented anything from happening."
Errico Malatesta,
anarcho-communist (1853 ‐ 1932)
Influential Italian anarchist theorist
"Hate does not produce love, and by hate one cannot remake the world."
Errico Malatesta,
anarcho-communist (1853 ‐ 1932)
Influential Italian anarchist theorist
"If today we fall without compromising, we can be sure of victory tomorrow."
Errico Malatesta,
anarcho-communist (1853 ‐ 1932)
Influential Italian anarchist theorist
"Hate does not produce love; we will not renew the world by hate."
Errico Malatesta,
anarcho-communist (1853 ‐ 1932)
Influential Italian anarchist theorist
"Anarchism was born in a moral revolt against social injustice."
Errico Malatesta,
anarcho-communist (1853 ‐ 1932)
Influential Italian anarchist theorist

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