Anarchist Quotes
Anarchist Quotes

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Andre Lorulot

Andre Lorulot: The provocative anarchist

André Lorulot, born André Roulot on 23 October 1885 in Paris, was a leading French individualist anarchist in the early 20th century. His advocacy of anarchy and pacifism came at a time when such views were highly controversial. He was notable for his provocative approach and determined stance against established authority.

He wrote numerous articles, pamphlets and books promoting his anarchist views, and was a prominent figure in the French anarchist movement until his death on 10 January 1963. He contributed to the development of free thought and secularism within the anarchist and broader social movements. His writings and speeches played a significant role in challenging and shaping the anarchist discourse of his time.

Date of Birth: 1885-10-23

Date of Death: 1963-01-10

Country of Birth: France

Political Ideas: Anarchy, Pacifism

Quotes Available: 6

Quotes by Andre Lorulot

In the midst of the unspeakable chaos of philosophies of all kinds and of various moralities we can cull out the constant and persistent tendency which pushes the individual towards life. Towards an ever better life, freer and more noble: that is, towards happiness.
I passionately love humanity, and have dedicated my best efforts to the fight for the oppressed. All tyrants disgust me -- and all those who put up with them, adulate them, support them. After having brought them down will I make myself a tyrant in their place? I would be disgusted with myself.
People, beware of demagogues. They are your worst enemies. They caress you only so they can better shear you.
Man will only be able to act usefully when he will have managed to destroy all lies, freed himself from all the superstitions given birth to by error, sought the truth in the jumble of knowledge and observations.
The individualist is like a wolf who prefers the dangers of liberty to the routine of domestication. Individualists compare themselves to the bird who would prefer to suffer and struggle on its branch than to die a slow death in the servitude of a gilded cage.
In the face of dogmas, of despots, of the sentimental, of charlatans and regimenters, humanity's future belongs to reason.

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